Hello list,

My name is Alex Roman and I have been selected as a Summer of Code
student for the GRUB2 project. I will be adding CD-ROM booting functionality to
Welcome! Cdrom booting funcionality for grub2 is a good piece of news.
The first stage of the project will attempt to use BIOS calls
to achieve this functionality (which is, of course, dependent on the
BIOS's capabilities, standards compliance, etc.).
Ok. That's how it works in Grub legacy I suppose.
> The second stage
will involve writing a complete ATA/ATAPI driver which would bypass
the BIOS completely, thus allowing it to work on virtually any system
out there.
I suppose that it is going to be difficult. I give you my encouragement!

Unfortunately I only have access to ATAPI CD-ROM drives, so I won't be
able to work on SCSI and/or USB,
I don't have either.
> however I will try to separate the
system to load the boot image from the driver itself as much as
possible so that future driver developments for SCSI and USB will just
be sort of drop-in replacements.

So, just thought I'd talk a bit about what I'll be doing...
Comunication is a good thing.

Thank you for your attention and time. I'm sure I'll have lots of
questions in the months to come. :)
If this happens, it's a good sign of grub2 development health.


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