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You should probably have a look at http://www.linuxbios.org/FILO maybe
you can salvage something. FILO supports booting from ElTorito bootable
CD media, uses 32-bit mode, and it is free of bios calls. Unfortunately
its x86 only, although some work has been done to get it running on PPC.

regards DevH

Alex Roman wrote:
> Hello list,
> My name is Alex Roman and I have been selected as a Summer of Code
> student for the GRUB2 project. I thought I'd introduce myself and my
> project. I am a second year student at the University of Waterloo
> (just finished 2A, first term of second year). I have experience
> developing in low-level environments in C and assembly.
> Now about my project. I will be adding CD-ROM booting functionality to
> GRUB2. The first stage of the project will attempt to use BIOS calls
> to achieve this functionality (which is, of course, dependent on the
> BIOS's capabilities, standards compliance, etc.). The second stage
> will involve writing a complete ATA/ATAPI driver which would bypass
> the BIOS completely, thus allowing it to work on virtually any system
> out there.
> Unfortunately I only have access to ATAPI CD-ROM drives, so I won't be
> able to work on SCSI and/or USB, however I will try to separate the
> system to load the boot image from the driver itself as much as
> possible so that future driver developments for SCSI and USB will just
> be sort of drop-in replacements.
> So, just thought I'd talk a bit about what I'll be doing...
> Thank you for your attention and time. I'm sure I'll have lots of
> questions in the months to come. :)

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