  (void)mod;                    /* To stop warning. */
  grub_register_command ("[", grub_cmd_test, GRUB_COMMAND_FLAG_CMDLINE,
                         "[ EXPRESSION ]", "Evaluate an expression", 0);
  grub_register_command ("test", grub_cmd_test, GRUB_COMMAND_FLAG_CMDLINE,
                         "test EXPRESSION", "Evaluate an expression", 0);

I understand this register commands. I suppose this information is read
from the help command or it isn't ?

Or maybe it also reads from:
static const struct grub_arg_option options ?

I've found it.

It reads from the register command and ALSO from options IF you tell it
to do so with:

  (void)mod;                    /* To stop warning. */
  grub_register_command ("[", grub_cmd_test, GRUB_COMMAND_FLAG_CMDLINE,
                         "[ EXPRESSION ]", "Evaluate an expression", options);
  grub_register_command ("test", grub_cmd_test, GRUB_COMMAND_FLAG_CMDLINE,
                         "test EXPRESSION", "Evaluate an expression", options);


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