I've activated the echo command (also the pause command) which it is
equivalent to the echo command... and have done some tests:

grub> pause fjfjl
grub> pause "fjfjl"
grub> pause -n \n
error: Internal error

grub> pause \n
error: Internal error

grub> pause -n "\n"
grub> pause -e "\n"

grub> echo fasf

Two conclusions from these tests:

1) When you use \n in string that does not begin with " then it gives an
internal error. I do not see anything special on echo.c so I suppose
it's the fault of the parser, however I have not studied the parser
yet... so marco_g what's your opinnion?

2) The -e option is not implemented. :) I've checked the code and it is
not. However I doubt if it's going to work... I ask myself if the grub>
string always appears at the beginning of the line.

pause is equivalent to echo command but if you want to check what I am
saying check my other email that contains a patch for having both echo
and pause commands.


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