OK, I've done the following in grub-emu...

I have a map file that looks like this:
(fd0) floppy.img
(cd0) grub2-iso.iso

grub2-iso.iso is an iso I generate using genisoimage (mkisofs). I can
mount it just fine.

floppy.img is a floppy image I generate... It contains grub, basically
and a few modules.

I run grub-emu -d grub2 -m mapfile -r fd0

grub2 is my build directory.

I tried ls (cd0)/ but that did not work. The iso9660_mount function is
saying that it couldn't read the superblock.

Then I saw on your (Marco) blog about the loopback command. So I tried
it as follows:

loopback cd1 (host)/path/to/grub2-iso.iso

Now, ls (cd1)/ goes a bit further, it can read the superblock, but it
says it couldn't find the magic "CD001". I printed the data it reads
from the ISO and it's all 0's...

Am I doing anything wrong from what you can see here? I'd like to know
if it's something I'm doing wrong in my procedure or in my code...



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