
As you all might have noticed, I have been spamming this list like
crazy the last two days :-)

The problem currently is that, accidently, we lose track of
outstanding bugs and patches.  It is frustrating to both developers
and people sending in patches/bugreports.

Hopefully we can start using a bug tracker soon.  There are many that
are good.  In my opinion the mailinglist and wiki doesn't work for us

If we have a bug tracker, bugs and patches won't be forgotted until we
actively close them.  This will fix a serious problem in GRUB
development.  At the moment I am a bit more active.  But I can not
promise if I can keep being this active...

Many projects use bugzilla.  Perhaps it isn't perfect, but it does
what I want.  I just do not have the resources to set that up.
Perhaps someone else knows something better.

I would even prefer using savannah than the current situation.  I hope
we can figure out a solution real soon.  How about just using savannah
and add a GRUB2 option there, unless someone comes up with something
better in a few days/weeks?


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