Bean wrote:
> Hi,
> This patch converts existing font to pf2. It uses the freetype2
> library, so it can support most common file format, like bdf, pcf.gz,
> ttf, etc.
> Usage: grub-mkfont [OPTIONS] FONT_FILES
> Options:
>   -o, --output=FILE_NAME    set output file name
>   -i, --index=N             set font index
>   -n, --name=S              set font name
>   -s, --size=N              set font size
>   -d, --desc=N              set font descent
>   -b, --bold                convert to bold font
>   -a, --auto-hint           enable autohint
>   --no-bitmap               don't use bitmap glyth
>   -h, --help                display this message and exit
>   -V, --version             print version information and exit
>   -v, --verbose             print verbose message

Whoa... that was fast. I hope Colin didn't start yet with his

Anyway. I think there needs to be support to specify ranges to font
files do not bloat unneededly.

Perhaps --range=0x1234-0x2345 ? (and allowing multiple of those)

Btw. what does --no-bitmap do here?

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