On Wed, 2009-03-11 at 00:04 -0400, Pavel Roskin wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-03-11 at 13:34 +1300, Centurion Computer Technology (2005)
> Ltd wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am playing with the search command in grub2 from debian experimental
> > and have noticed some oddness
> > 
> > The search command currently returns the device as hdX,X rather than
> > (hdX,X).  This means that the variable created using -s can't be used as
> > a replacement for the device string.
> Actually, you can assign it to the root variable and use relative path.
> You don't need parentheses in the root variable.
> >   For Example I'd like to be able to
> > do this:
> > 
> > # Set our root device
> > search -f /grub/grub.cfg -s root
> > # Set our prefix 
> > set prefix=${root}/grub/  # I think broken variable handling means this
> > doesn't work.
> True.  Variable expansion is broken.  But you can use
> set prefix=/grub/
but this means as soon as root is set to the new device, that we can't
load anymore modules which breaks chainloader, linux, intrd, boot etc

and it appears preloading boot doesn't work anyway, as it tries to find
it.  This problem doesn't occur if I manually set prefix=(hdX,X)/grub
> That would allow you to load more modules as long as $root is
> unchanged.
> > menuentry "My Linux OS" {
> > set root=$LINUX_ROOT
> This is broken for the same reason.  But this would work:
> search -s root -u XXXX-YYYY-ZZZZ-AAAA-BBBB
Nope, as above, because we cannot set Prefix to include the device
programmatically, as soon as you've changed your root, you can no longer
load modules or use commands.

Daniel Reurich

Centurion Computer Technology (2005) Limited.
Ph: 021 797 722

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