You can use git with svn backend.
Your info helps, I'll have a look at the issue. Depending on how much
work is needed it may be desirable to copy the code from bsd loader. as
it's under bsd-licence it's gpl-compatible. Could just the maintainers
confirm that it's ok to include some chunks of this code? Alternatively
it may be that actually it needs only minor adjustments to the load code
Joey Korkames wrote:
phcoder writes:
Hello, could you do a research and tell me which binary format does
bsd64 use, the handoff CPU and the arguments on the stack?
*planes fly over my head*
Does this help?
I got that from looking over the svn log for FBSD-HEAD:/boot/loader:
Gosh, I wish there was a git mirror of freebsd-base...
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Vladimir 'phcoder' Serbinenko
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