What's the advantage of booting with an mfsroot?

You can make a minimal fbsd system in the mfsroot that is smart enough to "init_chroot" from a SMB/NFS netmount, or from a cloop file stored a CD or http-sever (cached to a tmpfs (ramdisk)). Mine also unionfs-mounts a tmpfs to what ever root that is used so you can make changes in ram and not on the source root mount.

This is also what Frenzy does - http://frenzy.org.ua/eng/

I don't know if HeX unionfs-mounts or not - 

Also, will it be advantageous to me?

I find it useful for executing FreeBSD rescues and where I need to pkg_add tools that are not already on the rootfs.

(FreeBSD installations contained within a UFS, UFS2 &/or ZFS logical partition)

I didn't think of it at first, but the mfsroot could also have all the smarts contained in it for mounting and init_chroot'ing a ZFS root.

You still have to load grub and the kernel/mfsroot from a grub-supported fs, but I was very pleased to hear that phcoder is working on that!


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