
On Mon, Apr 20, 2009 at 6:05 AM, Vladimir Serbinenko <phco...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hello
>> You can use the bootable CD of your favourite distro. I hope that
> grub2.efi will become a default bootloader to install on efi system for
> major linux distributions

The thought was just to avoid dependance on the apple pc-bios emulation and
go toward a grub.efi installation as you suggest. (Also the apple Xserve
machines do not have pc-bios emulation.)

> Could you determine the priority? E.g. if you have both blessed file and
>> boot.efi in blessed directory which one is loaded?
In both these cases the blessed grub.efi file is selected and boots.
The boot.efi file here is a copy of the OSX boot.efi

im81:~ pxw$ bless --info /Volumes/hfsp
finderinfo[0]:   7891 => Blessed System Folder is <missing>
finderinfo[1]:   8123 => Blessed System File is

im81:~ pxw$ bless --info /Volumes/hfsp
finderinfo[0]:   8120 => Blessed System Folder is /Volumes/hfsp/efi/test
finderinfo[1]:   8123 => Blessed System File is

im81:~ pxw$ ls /Volumes/hfsp/efi/test/*.efi

Cros (pxw)
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