
on a Debian bug report [0] someone complained that the --no-floppy
option should be better documented in the man page, because it only
works if device.map doestn't exist or --recheck is given and he was
confused of this.
But it's generated from the --help output and I'm not that sure to make
it longer.
Or would something like this be okay?

Index: util/i386/pc/grub-install.in
--- util/i386/pc/grub-install.in        (revision 2237)
+++ util/i386/pc/grub-install.in        (working copy)
@@ -65,7 +65,8 @@ Install GRUB on your drive.
   --grub-mkimage=FILE     use FILE as grub-mkimage
   --grub-mkdevicemap=FILE use FILE as grub-mkdevicemap
   --grub-probe=FILE       use FILE as grub-probe
-  --no-floppy             do not probe any floppy drive
+  --no-floppy             do not probe any floppy drive. Works only if
+                          device.map doestn't exit or --recheck is
   --recheck               probe a device map even if it already exists
   --force                 install even if problems are detected

[0] http://bugs.debian.org/530848
Felix Zielcke

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