Some comments about live iso booting and grub2 loopback -

After grub boots the live iso kernel and initrd, they need  to loop mount
the iso again to access the live files. Otherwise the initrd would need
rebuild, or some way found to pass the loop mount from grub.

I have been trying some available live iso's (there are others out there).
I am using grub.efi, not using syslinux..

These live isos do loop mount the iso, and run -
ununtu, grml, slax.

These don't -
fedora, debian, gparted.

In all cases, grub loopback mounting of the iso and booting the kernel and
initrd works.

On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 9:57 PM, J.Bakshi <> wrote:

> >
> > Are you using vga= ?  I fixed a bug recently (in SVN) that may cause this
> > behaviour.
> >
> Then I have to reinstall grub from my sqeeeze box to the usb-stick
> again to see the effect.
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