On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 08:38:10AM +1000, Bron Gondwana wrote:
> Edward - please do continue to develop patches for GRUB 1 (the one that
> still actually works plenty well enough for lots of people) and ignore the
> naysayers who are happy to throw out backwards compatibility.
> Sometimes you have to maintain crappy code because people out there depend
> on it.  And we thank those who step up and do it rather than throw their
> hands up and pretend it doesn't need doing!

Btw, I just wanted to add that although we decide to focus on the codebase
that has a future, it doesn't bother me at all that GRUB Legacy is useful to
others.  We made it free software so that it enables as many users as possible
to use their computer in freedom, and so that distributors can adopt it
despite our disrecommendation.

I don't regret that they have the practical means to disagree with us and take
a different path.  It's precisely the freedom we wanted them to benefit from!

Nevertheless, grub-devel is a mailing list for coordination of GRUB 2
development.  Most of us are volunteers and our time is quite limited, so
bringing up GRUB Legacy development here is at best a distraction.  I'll
appreciate if you won't do that anymore.

Thanks for listening

Robert Millan

  The DRM opt-in fallacy: "Your data belongs to us. We will decide when (and
  how) you may access your data; but nobody's threatening your freedom: we
  still allow you to remove your data and not access it at all."

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