Hello, all. After various delays with various cause I'm proud to
announce the availability of Colin's gfxmenu into experimental branch of
Experimental branch is a bzr branch available at
http://bzr.savannah.gnu.org/r/grub/branches/experimental/ and of which I
was appointed as developper in charge. It's use is to hold the code
which needs testing or various fixes before being merged in mainstream
but is generally good. Let's hope it will accelerate developpement avoid
the code being put on hold too long and (together with bazaar) enhance
gfxmenu is a project done by Colin D Bennett during Google Summer of
Code 2008 edition for adding GUI menu support for GRUB2. More infos are
available at http://grub.gibibit.com/
Google Summer of Code is an event sponsored and organised by Google with
aim to promote Free Software developpement by paying students for
implementing goals approved by various Free Software projects.
Known issues with gfxmenu:
1) It's slow. At least in qemu. More things are repainted than really needed
2) Menus aren't multi-resolutin adapted. We probably need the ability to
specify coordinates in percents of width/height rather than in pixels
Example menu is available at
http://grub.gibibit.com/files/overlay_2009-07-19.tar.gz . It's not yet
decided whether central repository for themes will be created.
GRUB developpers kindly request you to test experimental branch and
report any bugs. Ideas and patches are of course welcome. But please
retain from comments on what should be our priorities since developers
spend their free time on what they feel is interesting/funny/useful. If
you really want something to be done you have only 3 ways to do it:
1) Do it yourself. Patches are welcome.
2) Hire someone to do it. Many grub2 developpers including myself accept
paid jobs in Free Software.
3) Forbid your kids to do it. New generation of Free Software devs is

Vladimir 'φ-coder/phcoder' Serbinenko

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