Hi to all!
I have a similar problem with this configuration:
sda1 : Ubuntu boot Partition
sda2 : Ubuntu Encrypted root
sda3 : Windows XP (other people have same problem with Vista) encrypted with
There's a bug report related to this problem here (
https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/grub2/+bug/484102 ) opened by
another user.

With grub-legacy everything works well: It chainloads the XP Truecrypt boot
manager from a dump file. Here's the old menu.lst.
------------------- menu.lst ---------------------------
title Windows XP
rootnoverify (hd0,2)
chainloader (hd0,0)/truecrypt.mbr

Now, all what I get from Truecrypt boot loader is this message:
"TrueCrypt Boot Loader: Load damaged! Use Rescue Disk: Repair > Options >
Restore Truecrypt Boot Loader"
Here is my actual grub.cfg entry.
-------------------- grub.cfg ---------------------------
menuentry "Windows XP" {
        insmod chain
        set root=(hd0,3)
    parttool (hd0,3) boot+
        chainloader (hd0,1)/truecrypt.mbr

How did you succeed to make it boot?
I mean, you find a way using drivemap to swap hd0 and hd1: is there a way to
use drivemap for partitions? I suppose it's only for drives.
Is there another workaround? I'll be glad to try it on my system to find the
Thanks in advance.
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