> P ntfs  300 GB Windows XP SP3 32 Bit
> P ntfs  300 GB Windows 7 32 Bit
> P ext2  100 MB /boot
> E
> L swap    2 GB Linux swap
> L ext4  250 GB Ubuntu Linux 9.10 (Karmic) 32 Bit
> L ntfs 1100 GB data (for data exchange and storage)
> L ext4   48 GB spare space for testing of new OSes
> I like to use the first partition as /boot, but there is no requirement 
> to do that.  I think you can use a logical partition too, but I'm not 
> 100% sure.
> GRUB normally uses a BIOS call as a part of its internal process.  The 
> extended call is defined for up to 2^48 sectors.  That is far larger 
> than any disk available today.  Any limitation, if it exists, is in the 

I have applied the partition table mentioned above. Windows 7 Disk Management 
Tool does not allow to create an Extended Partition on the third Primary 
partition slot. Thus I used the Ubuntu installer to do it. At first I tried to 
install GRUB2 from Ubuntu 10.10 (Lucid), but the error message remains :-( Then 
I tried GRUB1 and succeeded, luckily. Probably there is a problem with the 
sector offset or the data partition is too large for GRUB1 to skip over. It is 
> 1 TB. In the actual scheme, the 1.1 TB data partition comes after the root 
partition (where GRUB is installed).

After a kernel update I have to call 'update-grub' manually, but I am happily 
doing this, it is only a minor glitch of Ubuntu 9.10.

If there is a new version of GRUB2 which supports dmraid devices, I happily 
test it. Maybe it is only a configuration issue, as GRUB2 has become quite 

Now I know very well how to restore the GRUB bootloader, I have had much 

Of course I will do a backup from my RAID0 system soon.

The system is very fast. No need to wait for boot and shutdown anymore :-)

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