
On Jan/26/2010, Vladimir '??-coder/phcoder' Serbinenko wrote:
> Evgeny Kolesnikov wrote:

> > So I can suggest to make division: 1-bit & indexed text layer vs
> > 8(32)-bit & RGBA layer. First is for speed, second (and third) 
> > is for beauty 
> Splitting speed/niceness is ok as long as they share most of the code
> and "speed" is default.

how much slower would be? (just for curiosity). 10 ms per screen or 20

> Perhaps we can have a variable:
> set i_want_to_waste_time_in_booter=yes

I suggest "set i_want_high_quality_fonts=yes" (well, withought i_want).
I would say that mainly everybody knows that "high quality something"
usually has some payback.

> But before we can go to such length for beauty we would need native
> drivers first. No matter how you antialias if VBE accepts only
> 1024x768 which is stretched to 1280x800, it won't have any effect.
> Hence you need to port native drivers to grub.

I understand and agree.

Carles Pina i Estany

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