On Mon, Jan 03, 2011 at 07:08:51PM +0530, Gnanasekar Loganathan wrote:
> i'm setting environment variable by set mycmd="knetbsd netbsd.g"
> if call my own command, end up with no argument error.
> grub> myboot $mycmd
> myboot: usage knetbsd <filename>
> if do echo $mycmd, getting the correct string
> grub> echo $mycmd
> knetbsd netbsd.g
> if i directly run, throw unknown command
> grub>$mycmd
> error: unknown command `knetbsd netbsd.g'.
> How do i pass 2 arguments from single env variable or how to run the
> env as command?

I don't think this is possible right now.  We would need to have some
equivalent of the shell 'eval' builtin.  The underlying pieces are
present (e.g. grub_script_execute_sourcecode) but aren't exposed in the
GRUB scripting interface.

If you aren't able to add this extension to GRUB script yourself and
propose a patch, I suggest reworking your code in some other form.

Colin Watson                                       [cjwat...@ubuntu.com]

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