On Wed, Mar 7, 2012 at 3:05 PM, Arbiel Perlacremaz
<arbiel.perlacre...@gmail.com> wrote:
> What are the differences between
> normal file.cfg

The command "normal" does not take any arguments. It changes from
rescue mode to normal mode. Normal mode then loads $prefix/grub.cfg
automatically. I'm pretty sure that the only time that a user should
ever run "normal" is documented here:

> configfile file.cfg

All paths in grub are absolute, so it would need to be "configfile
/file.cfg", which would execute file.cfg in a new context *and* create
a new menu. It follows basically the same environment variable
semantics as "bash file.sh" in that only exported variables will be
available to file.cfg, and file.cfg cannot modify the environment
variables of its parent.

> I understand
> source file.cfg
> to be equivalent to the inclusion into the current file of the file.cfg. In
> particular, variables are not to be exported to be available to file.cfg
> commands.

Correct, much like "source file.sh" in bash.

> Am I right ?
> Arbiel
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