On 25.04.2012 21:12, Vladimir 'φ-coder/phcoder' Serbinenko wrote:
> Hello, with the attached script grub-fstest fails completely with
> blocksize=1024 and partially with 2048. Do you have any idea why? I
> tried to debug and my finding is that grub_nilfs2_read_checkpoint reads
> garbage. pptr makes sense but it points inside a file instead of to the
> metadata. If I load the other superblock I'm able to read empty disk
> (what's there before script starts putting files).
Easier way to reproduce and log:
~/compile/nilfs$ qemu-img create 1.img 500M
Formatting '1.img', fmt=raw size=524288000
~/compile/nilfs$ mkfs.nilfs2 -b 1024 1.img
mkfs.nilfs2 (nilfs-utils 2.1.0)
Start writing file system initial data to the device
       Blocksize:1024  Device:1.img  Device Size:524288000
File system initialization succeeded !!
~/compile/nilfs$ sudo mount 1.img /mnt/1/ -o loop
mount.nilfs2: cannot modify /etc/mtab.
Please remount the partition with -f option after making /etc/mtab writable.
nilfs_cleanerd not started
~/compile/nilfs$ ./grub-fstest ./1.img ls -- -l
Device loop0: Filesystem type nilfs2 - UUID
88cf7708-5700-481c-8039-d05d3fedab13 - Total size 1024000 sectors
Device host: Filesystem type hostfs - Total size 0 sectors

~/compile/nilfs$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/1/x2 bs=1M count=30
30+0 records in
30+0 records out
31457280 bytes (31 MB) copied, 0.292755 s, 107 MB/s
~/compile/nilfs$ sync
~/compile/nilfs$ ./grub-fstest ./1.img ls -- -l /
31457280      x2

~/compile/nilfs$ sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/1/x1 bs=1M count=30
30+0 records in
30+0 records out
31457280 bytes (31 MB) copied, 0.324172 s, 97.0 MB/s
~/compile/nilfs$ sync
~/compile/nilfs$ ./grub-fstest ./1.img ls -- -l /

~/compile/nilfs$ ./grub-fstest ./1.img ls -- -l
Device loop0: Filesystem type nilfs2 - UUID
88cf7708-5700-481c-8039-d05d3fedab13 - Total size 1024000 sectors
Device host: Filesystem type hostfs - Total size 0 sectors
(it reads all-zeros from file as checkpoint descriptor)

Vladimir 'φ-coder/phcoder' Serbinenko

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