On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 1:35 PM, John Frankish <j-frank...@slb.com> wrote:
> If I try "grub-install --target= x86_64-efi /dev/sda", then I believe it will 
> write a new mbr

At the risk of diverging from the actual subject of this thread, I
couldn't help asking if you have created a backup of either your
current Mac Mini installation or even just of the (protective or
hybrid?) MBR itself?

You seem to be very worried about what would happen if your MBR was
accidentally over-written. So I would expect that being able to
restore (it) from a backup would be one of the first bullets on your
project checklist. No?

But I guess what especially confuses me is my understanding is that
the MBR is *not* used and is irrelevant when EFI and GPT are used. I
would not expect GRUB to overwrite an MBR in the context of EFI
because it would not accomplish anything. Would it?

-irrational (and confused) john

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