Frankly this entire thread is absurd, confusing the situation immensely.

All that you need to know is that GRUB_GFXMODE in /etc/default/grub
specifies the resolution for grub's menu, and that (unless
GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD is set explicitly to something else) this same mode is
passed on to the kernel.

So if GRUB_GFXMODE=640x480 is not getting you what you want, then
you're not seeing a difference between grub legacy and grub2, you're
seeing a difference between older *kernels* and newer *kernels* with
technology like Kernel Mode Setting. Grub doesn't control what the
linux kernel does for its ttys beyond the mode it hands off and the
kernel parameters that it passes. Check with your distribution to see
the best way to get a lower resolution (or larger fonts) for your

All this discussion of writing a grub.cfg by hand and everything else
is tangental to the actual problem that you're having, which is that
the linux kernel and the way that distributions configure things has
changed, not grub.

Jordan Uggla (Jordan_U on

Grub-devel mailing list

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