I'm seeing a funny behavior which I think is caused by GRUB leaving the HW in 
some state that Windows is not expecting.  Here is the scenario.

In my new Haswell system, I installed an Ubuntu-based custom OS in a dual-boot 
configuration with the existing Win7 OEM.  The grub menu has Ubuntu 1st and 
Windows 7 as second choice.   If I power up the machine and use the arrow keys 
to move the highlighter "cursor" from the Ubuntu entry to the Win7 entry, 
Windows will choke during loading.  The graphics will be all garbled.  
Eventually (many minutes > 10 mins),  windows does boot.   Now, here is the 
funny thing.  If I boot and don't touch any keys and simply let the grub boot 
timer expire and boot the selected entry (which happens to be Windows 7 since 
it was the last one I booted), then Windows will boot fine.  This is 
reproducible about 90% of the time.  Any time a key is touched during the count 
down,  Windows will chock up during its booting process.  The other 10% of the 
time, Windows will boot normally.

Is this a known problem with my grub version 1.99 (1.99-21ubuntu3.9)?  Any 
suggestions on what I should look to try to fix in the source code?

Thanks in advance.

Roger R. Cruz
Grub-devel mailing list

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