El 13/03/14 06:51, Andrey Borzenkov escribió:
В Sun, 09 Mar 2014 17:14:04 +0100
adrian15 <adrian15...@gmail.com> пишет:

Basically what I want to do is to use grub-mkrescue to generate a grub2
rescue disk with some custom files (The Super Grub2 Disk stuff).

However I want to build different files depending on target+platform

My four combinations are:

      * (Hybrid) x86_64+efi and i386+pc
      * i386 - pc
      * x86_64 - efi
      * i386 - efi

3) x86_64_efi build is working. Basically what I run in the src dir is:

    sudo rm -rf /usr/local/share/grub
    sudo rm -rf /usr/local/lib/grub
    make clean
    make distclean
    bash linguas.sh
    bash autogen.sh
    ./configure --target=i386 --with-platform=efi && make && sudo make
    make clean
    make distclean
    ./configure --target=i386 --with-platform=pc && make && sudo make
    make clean
    make distclean
    ./configure --target=x86_64 --with-platform=efi && make && sudo make
    make clean
    make distclean
    make clean
    make distclean
    bash linguas.sh
    bash autogen.sh
    ./configure --target=x86_64 --with-platform=efi && make && sudo make

To be honest, I do not understand what you are trying to do here.

The same thing as in:


(which uses Debian packages) but using source code.

6) When I build i386 - pc I get this error:

xorriso : FAILURE : Given path does not exist on disk: -boot_image

Why is it failing to create /usr/local/lib/grub/i386-pc/boot_hybrid.img

This file should be built and installed on 386-pc platform. If not
either there is a bug, or you are doing something wrong. It is hard to
tell, you are doing so many steps ...

I see.

8) What's the best way to build and install an hybrid system that
includes both: x86_64_efi and i386 - pc stuff?

Just built and install grub for each platform you want to use;
grub-mkrescue will automatically include every platform it finds.

Any advice for the special where I want to build x86_64_efi + x86_pc hybrid disk?

Current code is:

    ./configure --target=i386 --with-platform=pc && make && sudo make install
    make clean
    make distclean
    ./configure --target=x86_64 --with-platform=efi && make && sudo make

It is better to explicitly force host platform with --host=.... to make
sure user space is always the same. Otherwise it should be fine.

Ok, I'll check that.

I prefer to build every platform in separate directory, there were
issues with incomplete cleanup. If you hit one, please report.

Well, as I don't want to have a separate directory for each build my question would be:

What is it the official commands for doing a safe cleanup?

9) A) What's the best way to remove grub configuration files installed
on the system so that I can start from scratch so that already built
target+platform grub binaries or configurations are ignored?

There are no configuration files after "make install" (if we do not
count /etc/grub.d as configuration).

I meant the ones that someone makes grub-mkrescue to look for the /usr/local/lib/grub/i386-pc/boot_hybrid.img files which I suppose are not found in source code but in the system (Gnu/Linux filesystem I mean).

Hope it's a bit more clear what I mean.

Thank you.

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