On Saturday, August 15, 2015 08:31:42 PM Jordan Uggla wrote:
> Specifically, while Mark entered something like "initrd
> /boot/initramfs-foo-bar", and everything he had typed was echoed back
> to him on screen as expected, the error message he received was (if I
> recall correctly) something about the file "/boot/initra" not being
> found. In other words, the error message indicated that somewhere the
> file name entered had been truncated. I suspect that this happened
> when grub was interpreting the grub.cfg as well, and thus the linux
> command succeeded but the initramfs command failed, and while grub
> still tried to boot, the missing initramfs resulted in the kernel
> panic.
That was a personal error. I was typing "/vmlinuz-linux ..." instead of "linux 
/vmlinuz-linux ..." . The same went for the initrd. 

> This, along with other symptoms from previous tries, seems to
> indicate to me that there is memory corruption somewhere, either due
> to a bug in grub or in OVMF.
I have reproduced the error yet again. It is the same error as I listed in the 
first post. Find pictures of the qemu OVMF error : 


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