On Mon, Oct 19, 2015 at 09:05:47AM +0000, Stuart Weaver wrote:
> Hi Manoel,
> Many thanks for your detailed answer and quick response! I've looked into 
> using this but I don't think it will stop the root problem of GRUB loading 
> the wrong grub.cfg file. Is there a way of using the 'search' command before 
> GRUB has loaded a grub.cfg and therefore use the same command to look for the 
> grub.cfg? 
> To reiterate, 
> 1. If both eMMC and USB are connected and from the BIOS I choose to boot into 
> the USB, I would expect the BIOS to load GRUB and GRUB to load the grub.cfg 
> on the USB... And that is exactly what happens. However...
> 2. If both eMMC and USB are connected and from the BIOS I choose to boot into 
> the eMMC I would expect the BIOS to load GRUB and GRUB to load the grub.cfg 
> on the eMMC... Unfortunately the BIOS loads GRUB on the eMMC (correct) but 
> GRUB loads the grub.cfg from the USB, not the eMMC.
> I would like to keep the two systems as separate as possible and let the BIOS 
> choose which system to boot. Is this possible? 

If the BIOS provides a list of disks to GRUB that has the USB as the first
device and eMMC as the second, there isn't much grub can do about it.

In my laptop I have two SATA devices, and the BIOS always provides them to
GRUB in the order of the ports, even though I have it set to boot from the
second one.  It's a bit annoying, but at least it is consistent about it.

Would be nice if yours put the fixed devices before the removable devices,
but some systems are stupid.

Len Sorensen

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