On 10.09.2015 20:46, Shaun Reitan wrote:
> I posted this to the Xen Mailing Lists too but figured i should post
> here as well. 
> We are experiencing a odd issue after we built grub2 support.  The image
> we built works fine on some hosts and then just hangs on others.
> I built grub2 as follows...
> -------------
> git clone http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/grub.git
> cd  grub
> wget http://prgmr.com/~srn/grub2/xen-linux16.patch
> patch -p1 < xen-linux16.patch
> ./autogen.sh
> ./configure --target=x86_64 --with-platform=xen --prefix=/opt/grub2
> make
> make install
> export PATH=/opt/grub2/bin:/opt/grub2/sbin:$PATH
> Next I built the image as follows...
> ---------------
> cat > grub-bootstrap.cfg << EOF
> normal (memdisk)/grub.cfg
> cat > grub.cfg << EOF
> for grubcfg in /boot/grub2/grub.cfg /boot/grub2/grub2.cfg
> /boot/grub/grub2.cfg /boot/grub/grub.cfg /grub2/grub2.cfg /grub/grub.cfg
> /etc/grub2.cfg /etc/grub.cfg ; do
>    if search -s -f $grubcfg ; then
>       echo "Reading (${root}$grubcfg"
>       configfile $grubcfg
>    fi
> done
> tar cf memdisk.tar grub.cfg
> /opt/grub2/bin/grub-mkimage -O x86_64-xen -c grub-bootstrap.cfg -m
> memdisk.tar -o grub2-x86_64 /opt/grub2/lib/grub/x86_64-xen/*.mod
> This works fine on some of our hosts, but then just seams to hang on
> others.  When starting the guest i see the following...
> [root@devhostxxx ~]# xm create -c /home/username/vs.config
> Using config file "/home/username/vs.config".
> Started domain username (id=34)
>                                  [root@devhostxxx ~]#
> Then it just hangs from their.
Are you able to add echo's along the way and look at xen console?
> These hosts are CentOS 6 using the CentOS-Xen RPMS. Hosts are running
> Xen version 4.4.1-8el6 and still using xend with xm commands
> Any idea what may be going on here? Or how i should go about debugging
> this issue?
> --
> Shaun
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