grub-install seems to be deleting long UEFI entries

(*) What the bug is

* Add an UEFI entry with this label (Remove the single quotes):
 '(Rescapp added) \EFI\ubuntu\MokManager.efi'


efibootmgr -c \
 -d /dev/sda \
 -p 2 \
 -L '(Rescapp added) \EFI\ubuntu\MokManager.efi' \
 -l '\EFI\ubuntu\MokManager.efi'

* Run grub-install /dev/sda or maybe just grub-install

I expect the newly added uefi entry to be there.
What I find is that the entry has been lost or deleted!

(*) Exact version where is found

2.02~beta2-36ubuntu3.2 (Ubuntu 16.04's grub)

(*) Can be this replicated?

Can anyone replicate this is in upstream's git head?

Maybe is it a well known bug which was already fixed?

(*) Video of the bug

This is a video of the bug: .

At 18 minutes 9 seconds I start to add an uefi entry.

At 21 minutes 3 seconds I run an option so that update-grub and
grub-install is run.

At 22 minutes 31 seconds I find the bug for the first time.

At 27 minutes 37 seconds I start to the debug the problem manually to
discard any of the Rescapp scripts being involved in the problem.

(*) What might be the problem.

I initially thought that the problem was because of '(', ')' or '\'

After additional tests there seems to be a problem with the length of
the UEFI boot entry.

Maybe grub-install uses efibootmgr as an auxiliar tool and the problem
is in Ubuntu's efibootmgr?

It would be nice if someone could point us on where does grub-install
handles the uefi boot entries so that we can take a deeper look into it.

Thank you!

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