Hello -

Klemens Barfus wrote:

> Hello !
> I m starting to work with gstat, but I have still some problems with th
> way, how to generate a command file. I want to interpolate values on a grid.

On a grid? Or on locations that are not on a grid ('non gridded locations')?

> The given values are on the grid. My data file has the x value, the y value
> and the measured value or  -1 if its a point to become interpolated. But how
> to generate a command file ?

With some thinking and an ascii editor, I would say.

> In the examples the data are given and the maps
> are shown as graphics. But I would like to become a table as a result with
> the interpolated values on the points specified in the data file.

So NOT on a grid?

> Or is it another way, for example different files for the data-file and
> the interpolation file ?

The data file is always another file than the file to which the interpolated
values are written. See eg the examples in the on line manual.



Derek Karssenberg
Faculty of Geographical Sciences
Utrecht University
PO Box 80.115
3508 TC Utrecht
the Netherlands
Phone:  (+31) 30 2532768
Fax:    (+31) 30 2531145

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