"Hoogerwerf, ir. M.R." wrote:

> I'm not sure I understand.
> I've got the following command file:
> ---Command file starts here----
> # Command file generated from Arcview for Zinc in c:\gstat\b45_65.eas
> set mv = '-1';
> data(zni15) : 'c:\gstat\b45_65.eas',x=1, y=2, v=4,I=15,max=20,average;
> variogram(zni15) : 0.18 Nug(0) + 0.08 Sph(1300);
> #mask: 'dg45_65';
> area: 'calc1';
> set order = 4;
> predictions(zni15) : 'zni15pr';
> ---Command file ends here----
> and I'd like to estimate the mean value for my irregular block.
> the command file above results in the following output:
> ---Output starts here ----
> gstat: Win32/Cygwin version 2.1.0 (August 1999)
> Copyright (C) 1992, 1999 Edzer J. Pebesma
> data(zni170): c:\gstat\b45_65.eas     (GeoEAS file)
> attribute:          I(Zn,170)     [x:] X          : [    184076,    190220]
> n:  [avgd.    2]          611     [y:] Y          : [    423498,    430449]
> sample mean:          0.91653     sample std.:         0.276818
> prediction centre at x=186435, y=426364, z=0 where x0 averages [1]
> area: (centred around 0)
>             calc1     (ArcInfo gridfloat)
> attribute:              calc1     [x:] x (map)    : [  -2021.13,   3978.87]
> n:                         71     [y:] y (map)    : [  -2605.63,   3894.37]
> sample mean:                1     sample std.:                0
> data(): [at area centre]                           (ArcInfo gridfloat)
> attribute:              calc1     [x:] x (map)    : [    186435,    186435]
> n:                          1     [y:] y (map)    : [    426364,    426364]
> sample mean:                0     sample std.:                0
> [using ordinary kriging]
> gstat: variable not set: specify output file
> --- Output ends here ----
> I'm afraid I don't understand this output. Why does it say specify output
> file after saying prediction centre at ....?

gstat wants to know where it should write output to. Add a line:

set output = 'result.out';

> If I uncomment the mask part I get predictions for all discretisation point,
> where I only want the block mean value for the whole block.

That's what you get when leaving out the mask definition.
> I'm obviously doing smething wrong but I can't put my finger on it.

You're getting close.

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