My questions concern grids:

1) Is it possible to convert from ascii grid format to a binary grid format
that can be used with ArcView?   I saw in the archives some example syntax
(gstat -e conv -f a  mask_map but is there a description of
the options that can be used with the convert execute action (i.e.,
expansion of the discussion provided in Section 5.5 of the manual)?

2)  After reading through the archives and the manual, it is still unclear
to me if gstat will read ArcView grids.  The manual specifies that two
files are needed: ascii file: *.hdr and a binary file: *.flt.  I don't see
either one of those file extensions in the directories that hold my ArcView
grids.  The ArcView grids consist of many files, contained in two
directories: one with the name of the grid and the other called 'info'.
Neither one of these directories contain a file with the extension 'hdr'
although there is a binary file called 'hdr.adf' in the directory that
bears the name of the grid.  Has ESRI changed the format for ArcView grids?
 Is there a way to use the current grid formats with gstats? 

Thank you,


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