Dear list members,

to use universal kriging, I have to add a column in the file where my
sample datas are stored. I realise that with a certain mask including a
spatial variable and the command 'set output = 'newfile.eas'.
Unfortunatly gstat writes in newfile.eas the locations of my samples in
a rounded format (3679680 5691670 instead of 3679684.49 5691673.77). Is
there a way in gstat to set the precision of the variable output?? 

Best regards


Michael Bock
scilands GmbH - Gesellschaft zur Bearbeitung digitaler Landschaften
Goetheallee 11
D-37073 Göttingen (Germany)
Tel: +49 / (0)551 / 531587-0
Fax: +49 / (0)551 / 531587-3

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