Thank you for your kindness to share and endeavors you have put it to
create such a nice program.

I am a first time user of gstat; I found out one hour ago from my friend
who uses it. I went to the web page, down-loaded gstat-2.3.3, and tried to
build gstat. I got problems.

When I typed ./configure, after running for a while it gave error
messages saying that it can not find 'doc' directory under which it wanted
to make another directory 'tex'. So I made doc directory by myself and it
made tex directory, and generated makefile under it, but still gave an
error message saying it couldn't find doc/tex/ I hope it's
absence  will not give me any problem in the future.

Anyway, I went ahead for make.
This time it gave me 2 errors and couldn't make sim.o and gstat under src
since it couldn't find 'meschach/matrix2.h'. When I looked for it, it was
there! So I went into sim.c line #34, and edited the line;

original : #include "meschach/matrix2.h" 
fixed    : #include "../meschach/matrix2.h"

Then I was able to finish building gstat...

For another minor thing:
When I tried to install software, it kept trying to install under the
default directory, which would be /usr/local, even though I used
--prefix=PREFIX option when configuring it in the first place. So I had to
go into makefile and and changed the install directory.

original : INSTALLDIR = /usr/local/bin
fixed    : INSTALLDIR = /my_path_name/bin

And I made the bin directory under my_path_name, after that it generated
'gstat' under /my_path_name/bin. 

I hope I will get great help from gstat for conducting my research.
I just wanted to thank you and let you know minor things of this new
version you upload on Apr. 23rd 2001.

Thank you!!

Han Yi
The Department of Hydrology and Water Resources
The University of Arizona
Tucson, Arizona

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