
thanks for the message. First of all, it didn't reach the list
because I closed it off for non-subscribers -- too much spam has
hit gstat-info recently. I'll attach it below.

The %g is used so often because it gives, at least in my opinion
the best human-readable output.

You're right that the code writing simulations to ascii files should
use the user-supplied format specification, and not use the %g format.
If you can send me the corrected code, I will put it on the web.

I can't follow you where you state that you have to set nsim to 2 (or
larger) in order to get SGS. I thought gstat would simulate a single
value if you omit it.

>From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Mon Jul 23 17:18:08 2001
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From: "Mike Dearman" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Sequential Gaussian Simulation & Ascii EAS Output problems
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2001 11:16:45 -0400
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        I am trying to perform a sequential gaussian simulation with
gstat 2.3.0 (dec. 1st 2000 build).  I use asciigrid (eas) files for
input with a command file shown below.  I noticed that another message
on the list from Pierre Gagnon, entitled "Sequential gaussian simulation",
talked about the same problem, yet I don't think anything was solved
I cannot implement the same methods as he used to work around the problem.

# Gaussian simulation, conditional upon weighted normal score - transf data
# (local neighbourhoods, simple and ordinary kriging)
data(lead): 'NewWeightedSite4ns.dat', x=2, y=3, v=7, sk_mean=0, max=8,
variogram(lead): 0.1 Nug(0) + 0.9 Exp(233);
data():  'sitelocs.eas',  x=1,  y=2; #delineates the irregular block for
set output = 'testSim.est';  #GEO-EAS output file
method: gs;
set nsim=2;
set zero=1.0e-10;
set debug=395;  # looots of debug info
set format='%20.12f'

Here is what I found:

I noticed that when I have an "nsim" value above 1 (ie: gstat really does
perform a SGS computation), then my output EST File does not follow my
formatting option.  I looked into this more, as my X,Y values were losing
much precision to be able to reverse-lookup their original values.  I found
source code for what appears to be gstat 2.3.3.  I traced thru by hand the
of the simulation, and found that in the "msim.c" module, in the function
"save_simulations_to_ascii(const char *fname)", it appears as though gstat
isn't using
the global variable "gl_format" which comes from the "set format" option.
It is
using the %g printf format specifier (which only uses 6 significant figures
by default).
This is in the code that prints the non-stratisfied/stratisfied x,y,z
coordinates and estimated
simulation values.

Here is the code fragment from that function (I hope its ok to post here)
                        if (d[0]->mode & X_BIT_SET) fprintf(f, " %g", 
                        if (d[0]->mode & Y_BIT_SET) fprintf(f, " %g", 
                        if (d[0]->mode & Z_BIT_SET) fprintf(f, " %g", 
                        for (j = 0; j < n_vars; j++)
                                for (k = 0; k < gl_nsim; k++)
                                        fprintf(f, " %g", msim[j][i][k]);

I'm pretty sure this is an oversight in code, but I am wondering why the
default for
most of the floating point variables is %g.  It seems like 6 total sig
figures (including
whole number and fractional part) isn't very precise.  Yet, %f has a 6 sig
fig default
only for the fractional part (ie: only fractional part is rounded off).
Which seems like
the better choice.  I can only see one advantage for using %g, that being
that you can always
guarantee that the number field (column) would be about (6 digits + sign +
decimal point)
characters wide (plus any padding from field wide specifier)

Instead of trying to setup my compiler and the libraries, I just hex edited
the gstat executable
and replaced all %g strings with %f, which allowed me to work around the
problem temporarily,
but I would like to submit for correction the error in code for future
versions, as I'm sure
anyone working with simulations is going to run across this problem.

Also, if the change is made to the source, when is the next planned release
of gstat that would
incorporate this change?  I'm looking to release this software package (that
uses gstat) and would
like to have an official release version.

Thanks in advance,


Mike Dearman
Systems Technology Center
Syracuse Research Corporation   - www.syrres.com

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