I have a little problem while begining to use gstat.
I try to resume:
I have an area of 20km on 6 kms extend. On the sea.
It was covered by special tracking element with GPS on. So I have some 80000 
3D coordinates but mainly with lines separated by 500m.

I removed the tides, and now I want to get a marine geoid in this area.

There is a trend (about 5cm/km in one direction). Except this trend, the 
variations are small. But a fine resolution is necessary.

Here joined (as attached file) is the gnuplot file generated by your 
software. I have problems to find a model of variogram. There's no sill 

Did someone encounter such kind of problem (and find the reason)?

Other indication I'm serching for: Is there a map (grid) format, available 
for gstat which could be generated by hand? Something like indicating the 
coordinates of 2 corners and the steps of increase in x and y?

Thanks  for any indication


Attachment: gg_tot.eps
Description: PostScript document

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