Dear gstat users,

I am new in geostatistics and this is my first time to use GSTAT.
My knowledge realted to geostatistics came from Burrough's "principles of
GIS" and Issack's "Applied Geostatistics".
I have several questions about anisotropy modeling and I would be very
grateful if someone could help me.

I have an exhaustive dataset of  900*1000 grids with grid size 30 m
I want to use the GSTAT's unconditional simulation to generate random fields
that have similar spatial autocorrelation with my exhaustive dataset.
Here are my steps to generate such a random field:

1) log-transform my dataset since it is highly postively skewed.

2) Set the cutoff = 9000 and width = 30

3) Plot the omnidirectional experimental variogram and fit it.
    It has three componets and can be fit by the following equation:
    gamma (h) = 0.048 nug(0) + 0.324exp(1101)+ 0.086sph(247)

4) Plot directional experimental variograms of 36 directions with angle
tolerance 10 degree.
    Here are the maximum partial range and  partial sill for different
componets and total sill I found :

    Orientation   Partial Sill  Partial Sill     Range  Partial Sill
Range       Total
                         of Nug()     of Exp()     of Exp()   of Sph()
of Exp()     Sill
          70             0.068       0.322           1604       0.093
413        0.483
          30             0.073       0.282           1398       0.111
464        0.467

         110            0.066       0.354           1333       0.063
280        0.482
           40             0.054       0.289          1318       0.113
357        0.457

           80             0.044      0.348           1577        0.100
268        0.491

    Here are the minimum partial range and  partial sill for different
componets and total sill I found :

    Orientation   Partial Sill  Partial Sill     Range  Partial Sill
Range       Total
                         of Nug()     of Exp()     of Exp()   of Sph()
of Exp()     Sill

         170            0.040       0.323            726        0.066
170        0.430
         170            0.040       0.323            726        0.066
170        0.430

          30             0.073       0.282           1398       0.111
464        0.467
         150            0.065       0.332            847        0.046
231        0.442

         170            0.040       0.323            726        0.066
170        0.430

5) Perform unconditional simulation.

My questions are:

1) Is that make sense to log-transform my dataset? My intuition is that
since the result I get from
   a unconditional simulation is normal distributed. So I shall provide a
spatial information comes from
   normal distributed dataset. Is my thougt correct?

2) The nugget varies with different orientations. How can this happen?
   (the nugget is omnidirectional as far as I know)
    Shall I use the nugget from omnidirectional experimental variogram or
    the average nugget from different orientations for the simulation?

3) The orientation of the maximum range for exp() and sph() componets is
    Is it correct that I model them independently? for example:
      0.322 Exp(1604, 70, 0.47) + 0.11 Sph(464, 30, 0.53)

4) For geometry anisotropy,
     the maximum and minimum ranges seems not perpendicular exactly to each
     How shall I determine the anisotropy ratio?
    (I use the ratio of maximum range and range perpendicular to it)

5)  I had read previous dissusions related to anisotropy modelling in
ai-geostats and gstat-info.
     But I am afraid that I did not catch the points.
     How shall  I deal with the zonal anisotrpoy in combination with
geometry anisotropy?
     Model it from total sill or model it for each componet independently?
     for example: 0.032 Exp(133300, 20, 0.01) + 0.002 Sph(35700, 130, 0.01)
    Can I simply ignore its effect because it is too complicated?

I have also attach my command file and hope you can correct me.

# gstat command file, Win32/Cygwin version 2.3.7 (12 July 2002)
# Fri Oct 18 04:41:45 2002
data(ln_zn_dummy): dummy, sk_mean=0, max=10;
variogram(ln_zn_dummy): 0.068 Nug(0) + 0.322 Exp(1604, 70, 0.47) + 0.11
Sph(464, 30, 0.53) +
                                        0.032 Exp(133300, 20, 0.01) + 0.002
Sph(35700, 130, 0.01);
mask: 'mask';
method: gs; # Gaussian simulation instead of kriging
predictions(ln_zn_dummy): 'drandom';
variances(ln_zn_dummy): 'ran_van';
set nsim=100;

set cutoff = 9000;
set width = 30;
set fit = 2;
set output = 'errs.est';

Thanks very much for your help and reading such a long post.

Pei-Chun  Chang


Pei-Chun  Chang
Graduate Student
RS/GIS Laboratory tel: +81 (298) 53-4955,  +81 (90) 4455-2475
Master's Program in Envionmental Sciences
University of Tsukuba,
1-1-1 Tennodai, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8572, Japan

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