
The file to alter would be sem.c.

Maybe the output of a variogram cloud will be usefull to you:
if you set the interval width to 0.0, gstat will calculate it
for you. It reports distances for each point pair, separated
up to the cutoff distance.

Calculating distance standard deviations for classes, e.g.
0-100, 100-200, ..., 1500-1600 is a oneliner in S, given
the distance vector d:

> sqrt(sapply(split(d,seq(0,1600,100)),var))
       0      100      200      300      400      500      600      700
394.9884 394.3466 404.3336 409.8616 412.9203 405.2564 402.5049 410.8503
     800      900     1000     1100     1200     1300     1400     1500
413.1563 404.7538 404.0039 401.1995 407.4277 407.1574 421.2969 406.9478

Best regards,

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