I am trying to make an IDW interpolation with Gstat using a 16 bit Idrisi raster grid (the *.doc and *.img files)
I keep getting this error: gstat: read failed on file `C:\Dev\gstat\gstat-2.3.6\Test3\idrisi16_mask.doc' (mapio.c, line 713)
My command file (gst file) looks like this:
data(data): 'C:\Dev\gstat\gstat-2.3.6\Test3\ut_10.eas', x=1, y=2, v=3;
mask: 'C:\Dev\gstat\gstat-2.3.6\Test3\idrisi16_mask';
predictions(data): 'C:\Dev\gstat\gstat-2.3.6\Test2\ut_10_Output';
set idp=2.0;
set zero=1.0e-10;
set debug=3;
set logfile='C:\Dev\gstat\gstat-2.3.6\Test3\ut_10.log';
The Idrisi mask has a data setup as explained in the gstat manual.
The data textfile (ut_10.eas), command file (ut_10.gst), Idrisi mask files (idrisi16_mask.doc and idrisi16_mask.img) and gstat log
can all be downloaded from http://www.lanstorp.com/files/testgstat.zip (5kb)
Using surfer as mask file I can run the job just fine. But I am developing with Inovagis using the Idrisi raster format.
Jakob Lanstorp

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