I know, it's a bug in the S code of the R function predict.gstat;
if you know how to modify it, make sure the third line is added
in the following phrase:

   if (d$maxdist == Inf)
           maxdist = as.numeric(-1)
   else maxdist = d$maxdist

If you're not in a hurry, you may want to wait for the next
update of the gstat R package, which I will upload within
(hopefully) two weeks.

Miha STAUT wrote:


As far as I understood maxdist is intended for local kriging. This means that only points inside the specified distance are used to interpoate a location (is that true?).

What have I done wrong in the following statement (gstat/R version 0.9-7).

krige(..., maxdist=800, ...)
#if I remember write the error was:
can not find the object maxdist
#or something similar

Sorry for a vague mail

Miha Staut

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