(I Cc: this to gstat-info, as Guillaume tried to send it there; however the list is
blocked for non-subscribers)

Guillaume Larocque wrote:

Hi, I have two questions regarding Gstat, hope somebody can help...

1) What happens if you are in multiple mode (i.e. many variables and
variograms are defined) but each variable has a different search
neighbourhood (i.e.min, max, radius)? Does it just take the neighbourhood


the first variable?

No; gstat follows specifications of each variable separately.

2) I am trying to krige at non-gridded point locations defined in a text file. So I use something like:

data(): 'xyz.txt', x=1, y=2, v=3;
set output = 'pred.txt' ;

One of the problems I get is that the predictions in the pred.txt file are
not in the same order

They should be, unless you use sequential simulation (which takes a random path by
default, however this default can be overriden -- set rp = 0;)

as the xyz.txt file. Also, my coordinates are in UTM and they are all cut


~6 digits in the pred.txt file. I was also expecting the third column of


pred.txt file to be the third column of the xyz.txt file but it's just a
repeat of the fourth column.

So I cannot use results from the pred.txt file because many of the
coordinates are the same due to the lack of precision and identifiers are

Add a command like:

set format = '%15.10g";

to let the coordinate printing take up 15 positions, 10 after the decimal point, IIRC.
If you can't work it out with "set format", chances are that an 8 byte double
cannot represent your coordinates, in which case you should choose a
different origin for your coordinates (e.g. the lower left corner of your study

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