Right. Submitting a job with either GRAM4 (WS GRAM) or GRAM5 (the latest pre-ws based gram) requires security to be setup.


On Jul 9, 2009, at Jul 9, 8:46 AM, Vanja Milosevski wrote:

Well the whole point of my question is because I don't want to get any
security overhead.

I did try the -nosec switch already but it still requires me to
initiate a proxy certificate before proceeding even though the
transmition goes through http and not through https. I assume some
sort of encryption is still taking place (maybe message-level?).

So ultimately, as I understand from the discussions above, it is not
possible (at least not straight forward) to submit a job without a
proxy certificate initialised?


On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 7:53 AM, Luis<lui...@dsi.uclm.es> wrote:

You only need to start the globus container with the option -nosec

For example:

$GLOBUS_LOCATION/sbin/globus-start-container-detached -p 8443 -nosec


El mié, 08-07-2009 a las 19:47 +0100, Vanja Milosevski escribió:

Is it possible to submit a job to globus without setting up any
security (i.e. without proxy certificates)?


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