Hi All,

I have set up the gridFtp environment on my machine.

When I telnet ,I get the following

r...@chunky-laptop:/home/chunky# telnet 2811
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
220 chunky-laptop GridFTP Server 3.15 (gcc32, 1222656151-78) [Globus Toolkit
4.2.1] ready.

This shows that the Server is running fine

However when i try to run the globus-url-copy i run into an error

*r...@chunky-laptop:/home/chunky# globus-url-copy gsiftp:// file:///dev/null

error: globus_ftp_control: gss_init_sec_context failed
GSS Major Status: Unexpected Gatekeeper or Service Name
globus_gsi_gssapi: Authorization denied: The name of the remote host
(, and the expected name for the remote host
(chunky-laptop.local) do not match. This happens when the name in the host
certificate does not match the information obtained from DNS and is often a
DNS configuration problem.*

I understand that there is some name resolution problem
Cans someone please tell me how do I resolve it.

Thanks and Regards

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