
I think you should provide java as executable and "- jar" and your jar file as an argument
This should execute because jar is not an executable file.


Muhammad Junaid

Bruno Oliveira wrote:
I want to submit a java job to Globus. I have a simple Hello World program, and i build the jar file.

I have the follow rsl:
<job> <executable>/home/vasco/Desktop/HelloWorld.jar</executable> <directory>${GLOBUS_USER_HOME}</directory> <stdout>${GLOBUS_USER_HOME}/stdout</stdout> <stderr>${GLOBUS_USER_HOME}/stderr</stderr> <fileStageIn> <transfer> <sourceUrl>gsiftp://debian9.estgf.ipp.pt:2811/home/vasco/Desktop/HelloWorld.jar <http://debian9.estgf.ipp.pt:2811/home/vasco/Desktop/HelloWorld.jar></sourceUrl> <destinationUrl>file:///${GLOBUS_USER_HOME}/output_java</destinationUrl> </transfer> </fileStageIn> <fileCleanUp> <deletion> <file>file:///${GLOBUS_USER_HOME}/output_java</file> </deletion> </fileCleanUp>

It is a simple test, but i got problems when i submit:

globusrun-ws -submit -S -f helloworld.rsl
Delegating user credentials...Done.
Submitting job...Done.
Job ID: uuid:ddbfef30-addc-11de-9c77-000874ac6b63
Termination time: 09/30/3009 16:18 GMT
Current job state: StageIn
Current job state: Failed
Destroying job...Done.
Cleaning up any delegated credentials...Done.
globusrun-ws: Job failed: The executable could not be started. starter: the job failed when the job manager attempted to run it

Apparently globus found the executable, but i dont know why this error happens.

Thanks for your help,
Best Regards,
Bruno Oliveira

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