Hi all again,
now i am testing the Replication Client PUT operation, but it was not
successful, the command and error message look like following:
pxuem...@graz:/tmp$ globus-replication-client *put *./foo.orig foo
org.globus.replica.rls.RLSException: Globus I/O error: I/O failure when
establishing connection (cause: Mutual authentication failed
Expected target subject name="/CN=host/graz.cgv.tugraz.at"
Target returned subject
I've looked for such error with google, but i cannot find any direct
solutions for this problem. Did someone also meet this problem before
and could give me prossibly some suggestions? Thanks in advance!
Dipl.-Inf. Xueming(Peter) Pan http://www.cgv.tugraz.at
Email: x....@cgv.tugraz.at Tel: +43 (316) 873-5416
Institute of Computer Graphics and Knowledge Visualization
TU-Graz Inffeldgasse 16c, 8010 Graz, Austria