>>> Strange.  Yea - looks like a bug.  Is that repeatable / happens for every 
>>> PBS job?
>> I haven't tested hard yet but at least I saw such status twice (for
>> different jobs).
>>> Are you using the SEG for PBS job monitoring?
>> not yet. It wasn't clear for me how to configure SEG. It's written:
>> It must be explicitly enabled by adding the -seg-module LRM option to
>> the job manager configuration.
>> But in what configuration file does it need to specify "-seg-module"
>> option? in $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/globus-pbs.conf?
> Doc is here: 
> http://www.globus.org/toolkit/docs/5.0/5.0.0/execution/gram5/admin/#gram5-Interface_Config_Frag-seg_module
Sorry, I wasn't reading careful enough. It's clear now how to configure
SEG from URL above.
So now I have
$ ll /usr/local/globus-5.0.0/etc/grid-services/jobmanager
lrwxrwxrwx  1 globus globus 56 Jan 22 14:58
/usr/local/globus-5.0.0/etc/grid-services/jobmanager ->

$ cat /usr/local/globus-5.0.0/etc/grid-services/jobmanager-pbs
stderr_log,local_cred -
/usr/local/globus-5.0.0/libexec/globus-job-manager globus-job-manager
-conf /usr/local/globus-5.0.0/etc/globus-job-manager.conf -type pbs
-seg-module pbs

$ cat /usr/local/globus-5.0.0/etc/globus-pbs.conf

$ cat /usr/local/globus-5.0.0/etc/globus-job-manager.conf
        -home "/usr/local/globus-5.0.0"
        -globus-gatekeeper-host vps115.jinr.ru
        -globus-gatekeeper-port 2119
        -globus-gatekeeper-subject "/C=RU/O=JINR/OU=LIT/CN=vps115.jinr.ru"
        -globus-host-cputype i686
        -globus-host-manufacturer pc
        -globus-host-osname Linux
        -globus-host-osversion 2.6.9-023stab046.2
        -globus-toolkit-version 5.0.0
        -stdio-log "$(HOME)"
        -log-levels 'FATAL|ERROR'
        -state-file-dir /usr/local/globus-5.0.0/tmp/gram_job_state

$ globus-job-manager-event-generator -scheduler pbs -background -pidfile
Error: pbs not configured

I've tried also to reload/restart xinetd since globus-gatekeeper is run
by xinetd.
More hints?

GRAM5 was compiled as
$ ./configure --prefix=$GLOBUS_LOCATION
$ make

But $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/globus-pbs.conf could be found that's why I run
$ make gram5-pbs install.

More hints?
> No - it goes in $GLOBUS_LOCATION/etc/grid-services/jobmanager-pbs
> Mine looks like this:
> % cat jobmanager-pbs
> stderr_log,local_cred - 
> /home/smartin/gt/5.0.0/INSTALL/libexec/globus-job-manager globus-job-manager 
> -conf /home/smartin/gt/5.0.0/INSTALL/etc/globus-job-manager.conf -type pbs 
> -seg-module pbs
>> How? Just add
>> '-seg-module' to new line? e.g.
>> log_path=/var/spool/torque/server_logs
>> -seg-module
>> $ cat /usr/local/globus-5.0.0/etc/globus-pbs.conf
>> log_path=/var/spool/torque/server_logs
>> -seg-module
>> [root]$ globus-job-manager-event-generator -scheduler pbs -background
>> -pidfile $GLOBUS_LOCATION/var/globus-job-manager-seg-pbs.pid
>> Error: pbs not configured
> Maybe that is a result of you adding the extra -seg-module line to the 
> globus-pbs.conf file ??
>> So what exact steps needs to be performed to run SEG?
>> Nikolay.
>>> If not, try using the SEG and see what happens.
>>> http://www.globus.org/toolkit/docs/5.0/5.0.0/execution/gram5/admin/#gram5-Interface_Config_Frag-seg_module
>>> http://www.globus.org/toolkit/docs/5.0/5.0.0/execution/gram5/admin/#id2545819
>>> -Stu
>>> On Jan 22, 2010, at Jan 22, 7:43 AM, Nikolay Kutovskiy wrote:
>>>> Hello list,
>>>> I have installed GRAM5 to use PBS and get the following output of
>>>> globus-job-status command:
>>>> $ globus-job-submit <gram_hostname>:2119/jobmanager-pbs /bin/hostname
>>>> https://<gram_hostname>:51499/16073727533535086921/7782764993921513916/
>>>> [user]$ globus-job-status
>>>> https://<gram_hostname>:51499/16073727533535086921/7782764993921513916/
>>>> [user]$ globus-job-status
>>>> https://<gram_hostname>:51499/16073727533535086921/7782764993921513916/
>>>> [user]$ globus-job-status
>>>> https://<gram_hostname>:51499/16073727533535086921/7782764993921513916/
>>>> [user]$ globus-job-status
>>>> https://<gram_hostname>:51499/16073727533535086921/7782764993921513916/
>>>> DONE
>>>> Is that a bug? some GRAM5|PBS misconfiguration?
>>>> Commands like globus-job-run work fine.
>>>> Environment:
>>>> gt5.0.0-all-source-installer.tar.bz2
>>>> torque-2.3.7-1cri
>>>> torque-docs-2.3.7-1cri
>>>> torque-server-2.3.7-1cri
>>>> torque-client-2.3.7-1cri
>>>> torque-scheduler-2.3.7-1cri
>>>> Thanks in advance,
>>>> Nikolay

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