On 03/23/2010 11:12 PM, Joseph Bester wrote:
> When the globus_gram_job_manager_pbs_setup postinstall occurs, it gathers the 
> names of the queues by default and adds those to the 
> $GLOBUS_LOCATION/share/globus_gram_job_manager/pbs.rvf file as enumerated 
> values for the queue RSL attribute. 
> This can be disabled by running
> ./setup-globus-job-manager-pbs.pl -validate-queues=no
> or removing the queues entry in the rvf file.
> Joe

Hi Joe,

Many thanks for this - this perfectly explains what I've been observing.
"Elementary, my dear Watson" :-)

Thanks - this has solved the problem for me.


Vladimir Mencl, Ph.D.
E-Research Services and Systems Consultant
BlueFern Supercomputing Services
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800
Christchurch 8140
New Zealand

Phone: +64 3 364 3012
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