On Sun, May 9, 2010 at 2:15 PM, Martin Feller <fel...@mcs.anl.gov> wrote:
> Hm, one goal of mine was to get out of /home/globus, to make sure
> it's not a permission problem on the directory.

I understand. I will try to make a test using /tmp/

I have to mention though that on other machines the same file gets
successfull transferred from the /home/globus directory.

> The thread name indicates that this transfer is initialized by a ws-gram
> job. Is it not?

Ups... I didn't pay attention to that, sorry :-| The solution you
posted was about updating the RFT jar and the error message was the
same so I supposed my problem was related.

I think mine is an RFT problem. This is again the stack trace:

2010-05-07 16:47:16,163 ERROR service.TransferWork [Thread-9,run:401]
Terminal transfer error:
Can't do MLST on non-existing file/dir /home/globus/pippo.xml on
server pluto.paperino.com [Caused by: Server refused performing the
request. Custom message: Server refused MLST command (error code 1)
[Nested exception message:  Custom message: Unexpected reply:
500-Command failed : System error in stat: Permission denied
500-A system call failed: Permission denied
500 End.]]
Can't do MLST on non-existing file/dir /home/globus/pippo.xml on
server pluto.paperino.com. Caused by
org.globus.ftp.exception.ServerException: Server refused performing
the request. Custom message: Server refused MLST command (error code
1) [Nested exception message:  Custom message: Unexpected reply:
500-Command failed : System error in stat: Permission denied
500-A system call failed: Permission denied
500 End.].  Nested exception is
org.globus.ftp.exception.UnexpectedReplyCodeException:  Custom
message: Unexpected reply: 500-Command failed : System error in stat:
Permission denied
500-A system call failed: Permission denied
500 End.
      at org.globus.ftp.FTPClient.mlst(FTPClient.java:598)
      at EDU.oswego.cs.dl.util.concurrent.PooledExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown
      at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)

The file /home/globus/pippo.xml actually exists.
Its details are the following:

-rw-rw---- 1 globus globus 1316 May  7 10:29 pippo.xml

Marco Lackovic

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