Good afternoon,

I have been directed to install a Grid FTP server to allow large data transfers 
to happen much quicker
than standard SCP. I am installing on CentOS 6.2. After a several day 
nightmare, troubleshooting vague
error messages where every *single* step took hours to complete, I think I 
finally have things installed
correctly. For the most part I followed the directions here:
and here:
I am using the CentO packages, with self-signed certificates.

On the server I am issuing the following commands:
   sudo service globus-gridftp-server start
   sudo grid-proxy-init -verify -debug -valid 4:00
   grid-proxy-init -verify -debug -valid 4:00

Then on the client I issue the following command:
   time globus-url-copy -v file:/opt/120_GB_file.random 

Which returns:
   real    17m52.865s
   user    1m55.064s
   sys     1m50.117s

As you can see, the transfer just under 18 minutes. Then I issue the following 
   time scp /opt/120_GB_file.random 

Which returns:
    100%  111GB 106.9MB/s   17:48
   real    17m52.355s
   user    7m31.879s
   sys     5m40.904s

As you can see, the second transfer took half a second less using scp vs. 
gridftp. Is this the expected
result? If not, can anyone start me along a path of investigation that might 
prove useful?
For instance, how can I log what is happening?

In addition, is there a single, from start to finish, simplest case tutorial? 
The documentation that is available
starts with the premise that the reader is setting up their production 
environment right from the start. I am
just trying to set up the absolute simplest possible test environment between 
two servers that are on top of
each other in the same rack, so I can get an understanding of what is happening 
before opening service and
ports to the outside world.


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