Did you create a SimpleCA for you machine? If so, you'll be responsible for 
signing the certificate using the grid-ca-sign program. I'm unclear as to what 
you've done so far, so perhaps if you can recap I'll be able to help better.


On Oct 26, 2012, at 1:36 PM, Nadia Aidan <nnadiaaid...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> for email that wanted for for usercert_request and hostcert_request  i 
> entered my personal mail & the answer is :Your certificate will be mailed to 
> you within two working days. " but now is 3 days i don't have any answer what 
> should i do ? what will be in that email ?did i do correctly ?
> From: Joseph Bester <bes...@mcs.anl.gov>
> To: Nadia Aidan <nnadiaaid...@yahoo.com> 
> Cc: "gt-user@lists.globus.org" <gt-user@lists.globus.org> 
> Sent: Monday, October 22, 2012 4:54 PM
> Subject: Re: [gt-user] 917: Can't open ?
> If you've installed the simple and run the grid-ca-create script, then you'll 
> need to run grid-default-ca to make that the default for the cert request 
> script.
> On Oct 20, 2012, at 2:00 PM, Nadia Aidan <nnadiaaid...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> > Hi 
> > I'm a university student and have a project about Globus ..I hope you can 
> > help me about my problem that accure in installing toolkit , in Sipmle CA , 
> > when i run this in ubuntu 10.04 " sudo grid-cert-request -host  'Myhost'    
> > " , the answer is : " : 917: Can't open 
> > /etc/grid-security/grid-security.conf " what should i do ? 
> > Thanks of all.
> > Nadia

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